The Grey Album
The Grey Album Podcast
Heat (1995) and Drive (2011)

Heat (1995) and Drive (2011)


The fifth episode of the Grey Album Podcast – an audio companion to the newsletter that takes a free-wheeling look at pop culture.

This episode we discuss Michael Mann’s magisterial crime epic Heat (1995), featuring legendary performances from Al Pacino and Robert DeNiro, and Drive (2011), Nicolas Winding Refn’s synth-and-neon-drenched L.A. noir starring Ryan Gosling as a quiet stunt driver who gets caught up in the criminal underworld.


  • Robert DeNiro Simping

  • YouTube Cobblers

  • National Medal of Arts Recipient Jon Voight

  • We respect crowded coffee shops

  • Boogie-woogie Piano

  • What is literally me?

  • Dan Radcliffe is a 5 ‘4 Goblin

and much, much, more!

The Grey Album
The Grey Album Podcast
A podcast companion to The Grey Album newsletter, every episode features a free-form discussion and analysis about whatever piece of pop culture that's gripping us at the moment, be it film, television or literature. It's like the conversation that you have immediately after you leave the cinema, but with two witty and erudite best friends that you never knew you had. Featuring digressions, jokes, and a dash of politics.